How to Study Chinese using a waveform

Why Using My App to learn Chinese

Are you ashamed of your Chinese learning progress ? Like I am.

You want to talk with Chinese people but you don't how to put a sentence together.
Well. You're in luck. I made this App especially for this reason.

Learning a language do not need repetition. It demands experiences, And as far as Chinese goes. A lot.

The best way to get experience is with video and TV. And of-course, trial and error with people. I cannot give you the latter. But I can help you with Video and TV.  

Let's see what I have prepare for you today:

Today's Feature The Waveform

I made a video on YouTube that shows how to use this feature. Here the article. It is manly the same except for a few corrections.
The Waveform allows you to see what you are listening to.

*Please leave me a comment as that's the only thing I'm asking for.

1- Controlling the listening Speed

if you're language learner this is kind of too fast to catch the pronunciation.
So, you want to be able to slow it down. You should slow down between 59 to 87%. Depending on the speed of the person speaking.

But if you choose too slow. it's going to break the natural rhythm of the sentence. it's not gonna sound natural at all.
So, you want something that is more like a natural voice. That you can clearly ear the pronunciation.

I would suggest normally between 72 and 87%. It keeps the natural rhythm of the sentence and it's clearer.

Setting the Waveform

You want to be able to select difficult words and syllables in a sentence.
There is a zoom button hidden in the top left corner of the Waveform. Those buttons show up only when the mouse  hover it.
You can set the waveform zoom to be able to work comfortably.
Let's start with a zoom at 200%. That should do it.

There is also a scale for the amplitude.
It is useful, especially when it's spoken softly.

Setting the Segment

You can narrow the sound segment down to a syllable.
if you do not remember the optional keys do not worry as there is a  and
There is a zoom button hidden in the top left corner of the Waveform. Those buttons show up only when the mouse  hover it.
So now you can see each and every word spoken in the sentence.
These are the two tools and the other one is a help. It says:
When you click the mouse with no key it's just to select the position to play.
The shift key will select the closest subtitle.
I think you're not going to use these ones that much. It is more useful when you're editing like I do.
The one you're going to use the most: Is the control key which allow to change the playback start and duration.

The other ones are strictly for Edition. I'm not going elaborate on those. I'm going to do that in a later video, when it comes to create your own lessons.

*You also have the Mouse state Helpers. These replace the shift and control keys. It toggle between two state on or off. 
It's particularly useful when using a phone or a pad.

Now you're ready to use the mouse and the waveform more effectively.

Waveform help

Mouse State Helpers

Mouse State Off

Mouse State On

As a bonus

If you select a text and press F1 or Alt F1 depending on the browser you use.
You will open the analyzer box.

I'm going to explain these in another subsequent video.
But mainly this is to study deeper and this is to learn how to write.
My point here is you have your computer voice which is somewhat clearer than the one spoken in the video.

That gives you two versions to listen to.
* You can also change the voice as well as pitch and speed.

I realized some time ago that just repeat is not the way to go, when it comes to learning and assimilating.

You don't need repetitions.
You need a multitude of experiences to learn a language or anything else for that matter.

You can also record yourself and compare.
But that's another feature for later.

Play mode from the Waveform

This button is to select the play mode.
The play mode: Basically you can play like this one.
Currently you just play once and stop.

You have 2 other modes. The second one plays and repeat.

As you probably notice here there's a delay in the repetition.
You can set that here the video Loop delay is one second.
Okay let's put it very very fast let's say 10 milli-seconds.
You have to put the number and click enter otherwise it won't change.
You can also stop it in the middle then it won't play again.
Because it needs to reach the end before looping.
Another way to stop repeating is to change the mode to the next.

This guy here which is continue.
It allows you to point anywhere in the track and start playing from there.

It's just going to continue till the end of the video.

If you press that button again it will go back to play once.
It rotates between the 3 modes: Once, Repeat and Continue...

Help me

It's free, all you have to do is put 0 (zero) in the recommended donation.
Most important for me is your comment.

Here's something refreshing. Others don't do that.
Bad comment, I do not mind. I strive the most on bad comments.
Especially, if they have point.

Try it for yourself and let me know what you think?
I have place a few lessons below for you to quickly access them.
I have a lot more lessons and stuff, coming up.
I might be poor but I'm rich in ideas.

Please, all you have to do is register. You don't have to use your real name or anything else.
But you do need an Email so I can verify you are not a bot.

Does it help?
Does it improve your Chinese language skill?
Do you have any idea how to improve this?

*If you appreciate my work, please consider donating.

Waveform Play segment and Stop

Waveform Play segment Loop

Waveform Play Continue

Select box Play mode

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