What's a Virtual Video Editor and why should you care

What's a Virtual Video Editor and why should you care to know the difference.

Video editors every where allow you to:
  • Make cuts.
  • Put pictures and video on top of the main one.
  • Make animated transitions.
  • Repeat a portion of the video at different speed.
  • Modify the sound level at a specific places.
  • Modify the opacity level at a specific places.
  • Put fade in/out on sound and/or video.
Then, when it comes to distribute it, you have to produce an entire new video.
Congratulation, the first thing you know, you have filled up an entire 20TB (terabytes) hard disk.
I know it happened to me.

What if I tell you that you can do all that without having to produce a new video in a first place.
Well. You're in luck. This is exactly why I made this Application.
It doesn't make  a new video. It just changes the way it is being played. This is what the 'Virtual' part means. 
How does it do that? You ask. By writing Special VTT's. Yes, it's that easy.
How come I' am the one (maybe the only one.) thinking of that. That amazes me.

You can jump write in  and  try it here.
Or you can continue reading while I'm explaining how to do.

1- What are cues?

when ever you put a cut, fade, repeat... etc. You are actually adding a cue.
A cue is essentially an entry in a VTT/SRT file. Like a subscript/caption but for different kind of action.
Also on all cues you have the ability to set  a title  to easily identify them.

2- Not all cues are equal?

Cut cues cannot be override by anything. You cannot place a fade, repeat... anything in a cut. If you do manage to put one by cheating. It will just be skipped like what ever you place there never existed in a first place.
 Other cues are basically last one on the top. You are not allowed to place twice the same kind element by default. But you can move an element of the same kind inside of another one.
You will learn not to do certain things by not liking the result.

*This last sentence saves me a lot of explanations.


A Cut only cut the video as oppose to a jump which is far superior.
The cuts are the easiest form of all cues. It really is like the physical word. Although, You may set a title to easily identify them.

It is not recommended to embed cut within another
But that's feasible.
You should not mix Cuts and Jumps.
You should decide in advance which one you want to work with and stick to it.
If you do mix them. You may have conflicted and mixed results.
The start point is where the the Cut will apply.
You may resize a Cut to set the end.



A jump is exactly like a cut.
     But wait. There's more.


Except you have the possibility to jump anywhere backward or forward.
   (Not in a middle of a cut.)
Usually you do not want to mix Jumps and Cuts.
You should decide in advance which one you want to work with and stick to it.
If you do mix them. You may have conflicted and mixed results.
The start point is where the the jump will apply.
You cannot resize a Jump You can only change where it start.
The real length of a jump is 0.060 ms. 
Just long enough to catch it when it enter.
You may easily place other cues inside of it.


A Repeat allow you to repeat a section multiple time.
.      As many as you want.
A repeat will loop back to its Start time at the end time
Optionally, you can set a different speed for each repeat.
It's a coma separated list as example:
      0.72,  0.5,  0.33,  0.5,  0.72,  1.0
It will repeat first at  72% then Half and then 33% speed... etc.


A Fade allow you to Increase (Fade In) or decrease (Fade out) the visibility of the video.
..      An optionally the sound and hide the control bar..
Usually, A fade is use at the beginning or the end of the video.
You can also place one before a cut or right after for the effects.
You can also set the state to pause or continue at the end time.

The restart option will restart at the beginning of the video.


An Overlay allow you to place another video on top of the main video.
..      Now this is getting interesting.
Essentially, it is exactly like the PiP (Picture in Picture) feature of your TV, Android, IPhone, Tablet..etc.
     But wait. There's more.

You can set it muted (No sound).
You can set where does the video in the overlay start as well as where it ends.
You can also set the state to pause or loop at the end time.


...Because everything else is.


An Action allow you to do anything.

...Now this is getting really good.

You can:

  • make transitions.
  • Show multiple pictures at time based.
  • Switch to another *Episode.
  • Program direct command to the interface.

    But wait. There's more.
In the upcoming time. (If and only if. I get some support.)
I will be providing multiple examples as I make them.
Such as but not limited to:

  • Transitions.
  • Show multiple pictures/videos at time based.
  • **Switch to another *Episode.
  • **Program direct command to the interface.

probably in a/several selection box.

*Episode: This is where you will choose among
the files you have imported in the file tab.
Also I will be adding subtitles Editor to it.
(Might as well put it in.)

**Do not worry, when things get complicated. I will write a post about it.
Stay tune for more.


Press ? to show/hide the Help view for the TrackView.
For all other interface you will get help by holding the mouse over them

  Mouse wheel: Move back and forth
  +[Alt] Move faster
  +[Shift] Zoom in/out
  +[Shift]+[Ctrl] Zoom faster

  • [ArrowUp] Zoom in
    • + [Shift] Zoom to max sample
    • + [Alt] Zoom faster
  • [ArrowDown] Zoom out
    • + [Shift] Zoom normal
    • + [Alt] Zoom faster
  • [Home] Move towards begining
    • + [Ctrl] Move to 0
  • [End] Move towards end
    • + [Ctrl] Move to End

Help me!

It's free, but not really.
I've been working hard for the last 10 years without getting paid.
It's starting to wear me off.

If This project really inspired you in any way shape or form. Please, leave me comment.
If you are interested in the separated player. Again, let me know.
If you would like some feature to be prioritized. Again, let me know.
For any other reasons. Again, let me know.

This is the roadmap I would take if I get enough support.
DEV:  Implement
- Subscripts editor On the sound Track implement
   (With Html support? YEAS! It's new and it's my player. Might as well.)
   Special clicks function to:
   * View in different color + Text excerpt at the bottom of the track
   * Create new cue
   * Delete
   * Select closest cue
   * Resize + Move
   * Edit OnDblClicks

- Support Multi-Episodes
- Make:
  * Titles
  * Transitions
  * Special Effects +- Animations
  * Allow user to save and import any of the above.
  * Show them in a selector box.

- Generate+Export: Low FrameRate: for ClassWaveForm in SlideShow
   As well as its (b64).snd.js
- Save Projects files in a zip.


Time required to do all this: About 2 weeks.
If you have any more ideas. Please, again let me know in the comments**.
But wait. There's more. Don't worry. I already have more ideas.

Just checking if you can surprise me.

*If you appreciate my work, please consider donating below.
** if you prefer a direct email use Send Email support@thinknspeak.net.

Play mode from the Waveform

This button is to select the play mode.
The play mode: Basically you can play like this one.
Currently you just play once and stop.

You have 2 other modes. The second one plays and repeat.

As you probably notice here there's a delay in the repetition.
You can set that here the video Loop delay is one second.
Okay let's put it very very fast let's say 10 milli-seconds.
You have to put the number and click enter otherwise it won't change.
You can also stop it in the middle then it won't play again.
Because it needs to reach the end before looping.
Another way to stop repeating is to change the mode to the next.

This guy here which is continue.
It allows you to point anywhere in the track and start playing from there.

It's just going to continue till the end of the video.

If you press that button again it will go back to play once.
It rotates between the 3 modes: Once, Repeat and Continue...

Help me

It's free, all you have to do is put 0 (zero) in the recommended donation.
Most important for me is your comment.

Here's something refreshing. Others don't do that.
Bad comment, I do not mind. I strive the most on bad comments.
Especially, if they have point.

Try it for yourself and let me know what you think?
I have place a few lessons below for you to quickly access them.
I have a lot more lessons and stuff, coming up.
I might be poor but I'm rich in ideas.

Please, all you have to do is register. You don't have to use your real name or anything else.
But you do need an Email so I can verify you are not a bot.

Does it help?
Does it improve your Chinese language skill?
Do you have any idea how to improve this?

*If you appreciate my work, please consider donating.

Waveform Play segment and Stop

Waveform Play segment Loop

Waveform Play Continue

Select box Play mode

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