Study the full episode of a (School Play) Contain all the relative materials .
- Understanding points (words & sentences).
- Character exercise.
- Match game.
- Phases reconstruction game.
- Descramble game.
- Wheel of words game.
- Full index
In production
New Words And Expresions learn in this lesson | |
粉红 |
猪 |
第 |
sequence, number; grade, degree; particle prefacing an ordinal
舞台 |
stage/arena/fig. in the limelight
剧 |
theatrical plays, opera, drama; severe, acute
佩 |
jade ornament; belt ornament, pendant; tie to the belt; respect
演 |
V. perform, act, put on a play
小红帽 |
Little Red Riding Hood
万岁 |
Long live (the king, the revolution etc)!/Your Majesty/His Majesty
每个人 |
参加 |
V.:attend, take part, join
演出 |
V.:perform, put on a show; N.:performance, show
必须 |
Aux.:have to, must
练习 |
V.:practice; N.:exercise, practice
戏 |
play, show, theater
服 |
clothes; to dress, wear; to take medicine
把 |
V.:grasp,hold; N.:handle; Part.:for ba-sentences; MW.:for obj. with handle
台词 |
an actor's lines/dialogue/Taiwanese word
要说 |
as for/when it comes to
然后 |
Conj.:then, afterwards
嗯 |
Exp.:nonverbal expression of astonishment or approval (depending on tone)
我的 |
奶奶 |
N.:grandmother (father's mother)
丹尼 |
Danny (name)
大野狼 |
big bad wolf
老爹 |
(dial.) father/old man/sir
帮 |
V. help, assist, support, defend; party; gang
笑 |
V.:smile, laugh, giggle, snicker
凶 |
inauspicious; bad luck; bad omen; famine
一点 |
a bit/a little/one dot/one point
试试看 |
to give it a try
吃掉 |
to eat up/to consume
可怕 |
Adj.:awful, terrible
培 |
V. cultivate, farm, shore up
洛 |
Name: Luo; used to draw attention to an event.; a river; a city
马 |
Name: Ma; N.:horse
猎人 |
从 |
Name: Cong; Conj.:from, , by, since, whence
救出 |
to rescue/to pluck from danger
有点 |
a little
害羞 |
赶走 |
to drive out/to turn back
走开 |
to leave/to walk away/to beat it/to move aside
顽皮 |
野 |
field, open country; wilderness
狼 |
贝 |
Name: Bei; sea shell; cowrie; money, currency
瑞 |
auspicious; a good omen
卡 |
card, punch card; calorie
兔 |
妈咪 |
mommy (loanword)
来看 |
to come and see/to see a topic from a certain point of view
被 |
Conj.:by (for passive sentence; passive particle meaning 'by')
关 |
Name: Guan; V.:close, shut, turn off; N.:mountain pass, barrier
衣橱 |
结束 |
V.:finish, end, conclude; N.:termination, end
各位 |
everybody/all (guests, colleagues etc)/all of you
女士 |
N.:lady, madam
欢迎 |
演员 |
N.:performer, actor
出场 |
(of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform/(of an athlete) to enter the arena to compete/(fig.) to enter the scene (e.g. a new product)/(of an examinee etc) to leave the venue
拜托 |
为了 |
Conj.:for, in order to
影响 |
V.:influence, affect; N.:influence, effect
表演 |
V.:perform, act; N.:performance, show
在家 |
to be at home/(at a workplace) to be in (as opposed to being away on official business 出差)/(Buddhism etc) to remain a layman (as opposed to becoming a monk or a nun 出家)
哦 |
糟糕 |
Adj.:terrible, bad
下面 |
below/under/next/the following/to boil noodles
躲 |
V. evade, escape, hide, take shelter
假装 |
好棒 |
excellent (interj.)
不可以 |
may not
拍照 |
to take a picture
啦 |
Part.:to end a sentence of an assertion
继续 |
V.:continue, go on; N.:continuation
看起来 |
seemingly/apparently/looks as if/appear to be/gives the impression that/seems on the face of it to be
耶 |
(phon. ye)
眼睛 |
你的 |
牙齿 |
救命 |
to save sb's life/(interj.) Help!/Save me!
来得 |
to emerge (from a comparison)/to come out as/to be competent or equal to
正是 |
(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as
要不 |
陪 |
上场 |
on stage/to go on stage/to take the field
救 |
V.:relieve, rescue
安可 |
encore (loanword)
差不多 |
Adj.:almost, more or less
Study the full episode of a (School Play) Contain all the relative materials .
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