About Us

A new concept in learning immersion has emerged.

What We're All About
I AM THE PRODUCT MAKER. So, 'WE' really means "I" in this instance, like 'I' am really alone with a laptop. But 'WE' hope to become a real 'WE' someday. My product is entirely a new concept in terms of learning experience and doesn't require any other library but my own. As I made this product to sustain any language, I would love to see it grow and expand into many languages.
So, I welcome anyone who would like to join in on this new venture. Please contact me at : request@thinknspeak.net

Learn New Things Every Day
It's sort of a habit of mine. I like to solve problems when I see one. Learning Chinese the traditional way wasn't doing it for me. I couldn't understand natural speech in movies and on the streets. So I found there was a problem in the way we teach. After 7 years of research, I came up with an understanding and a concept. and finally made this a product.
So here we are.
Denis Cote

Our Vision
Who We Are
"Never argue with someone who thinks
he knows better than you."
he knows better than you."
And we think we know better than you.
There's that 'WE' again. That came with the template. I'm just filling this in here. There was a lot of "Lorem ipsum." They are not very good at giving you a head start. Of course, I could have researched and copied some of the best sites I could find. But I decided not to sound boring instead.
About that quote: I used it as a joke. It's derived from 孙子 (Sun Tzu) The Art of War. Do you recognize it? Let me know in the contact section.
Learn From real source material
Every course or lesson I took, the material used was fake, and sounded fake, slow, boring, and tedious, not useful at all, or barely. I quickly figured that's not what we needed. We don't need the whole world to speak slower. We need to teach our hearing system to listen better. In the same way, a radio needs to pick up the right frequencies.
Learn at Your Own Pace
Learning is different for everyone. Some need more time for certain things and less for others. Once you have purchased a lesson, you can spend as much time as you need. You can come back in a few months and review them.
About Certification
It's all good in theory. That's what a certification is. So you will excuse me if I don't give much care to that. Learning has nothing to do with certifications. You come here because you want to learn. If you are the kind of person that requires a certification, you could study here and then get your certification on any of these sites. There are plenty of sites that will give you just that.